I was wondering if you could identify this bug that my sister has in her Florida condominium.
We have found these mainly in the kitchen but also have seen them occasionally in the living room and bathroom.
They do have wings and are very tiny. They do not bite. They can be squished and killed with Dawn dish soap. We have not really figured out what they are attracted to. It’s random as far as food. Seafood and sugar seem to be big attractors.
If you could help me out or post this to your site with an answer I would appreciate it.
Thank you Vicki
I have these, almost microscopic, bugs in every part of my house. They’re not attracted to anything particular like food, although the 1st place I saw them was the kitchen but now they’re in every room. They’re very fast, crawl on everything like up and down door frames, on table tops and everything on the tables then onto me. I haven’t been bit, just aggravated. I’ve tried a few different types of bug killers but none have worked, they have only increased.
I am seeing very very very small bugs around my tub drain. They have no wings and appear to be narrow, linear bugs that move as if on a track. They are seen in loosely scattered groups moving in different direction as if sourcing food or water. The bugs are less than 1/16th long and extremely narrow. When standing over a drained bath tub, it’s almost impossible to see them as they appear stationary and more like specs of dirt.