I thought at first it was just a huge piece of dust, but looking closer, I realized the dust looks more like hairs.
I am currently fixing up an abandoned house that the windows are all boarded and there is no air conditioner. I just found this on one of the window frames on the metal.
What else:
I do have a problem with a lot of bag worms all over the outside and inside of my house. I thought it could be a cocoon of a moth.
And if it is does it have anything to do with the bag worms?
Do you know what this is?
Any idea what this is? Perhaps you have fixed up an old building yourself. Or had to deal with (plaster) bag worms and recognize the unknown specimen.
Entymologists and other folks who happen to know what this weird dusty thing is, please let us know in the comment section below.
Got an ID request yourself?
Are little insects bugging you? Are you itching to know which bug you are dealing with?
- Send a clear picture to dd2 [@] live [dot] nl.
- Mention size. For instance 2 mm.
- If possible with something for scale in it. Or something on the background. A remote control, a coin, or a banana if you must.
- Mention where you encounter the bugs. For example; in your living room in Carlsbad, California.
- Mention characteristics. Do they fly? Do they bite?
We will post your pics here and help you determine what you’re dealing with.
Where was the photo taken (state/locality)? That might help with its identification.
we found this in our home under the fridge in st Petersbourg Florida
At first I thought it was dust until I realize it was not loose enough to be dust
We have had a problem with a red insect that had antenna and 2 wings and several legs
It moves extremely quickly
About 1/2 inch in length
Can you help me
If you find out please post or let me know . Just recently found same in my home. I thought dust too but it stings and bites , so I thought dust mites. I changed out filters in home. In one article I read moisture forms odd floating substance that can sting and bite but photos look like creaming white substance . It’s strange to see these particles or whatever to move . I also put rat/mice sticky pad out in case one in home but so far nothing on them. I’m clueless, I do know since we had 2 disasters storms 2015&2016 was worst in our area, that all kinds strange bugs, snakes, animals and other insects are more invading in SC area. Seeing and hearing on news more stories of such increase in alligators, coyotes, bears, snakes , sharks etc and seems to be more attacks and threats to humans and their pets. I just want to live as clean, safe and healthy as possible with no unwanted , unexplained, clueless invasions. Hopefully after eliminating will not see any more strange substance . Be helpful to know what caused the substance and where came from would be helpful. My mother sends things to Clemson to have tested . But I didn’t think of it at time and disposed of it .